Simplest vs. Most Challenging Piercings to Heal

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive, aside from inquiries about keloids, pertains to the ease or difficulty of healing different types of piercings. The answer to this question can be pretty relative, since individuals may experience trouble with what are typically considered straightforward piercings, while others may find advanced piercings healing seamlessly. Various elements come into consideration, including one’s general health, sleeping habits, dedication to post-piercing care, and, of course, a touch of fortune. However, in general terms, a few piercings tend to present more healing challenges, as well as a couple that typically heal with minimal issues.

Ear lobes Piercing -Very Easy

 Frequently, the initial piercing individuals opt for is in their earlobes. Earlobes are not only the most common choice (and thus socially more widely accepted) but also tend to heal with exceptional ease. The earlobe is a fleshy, dangle-like part at the bottom of the ear, devoid of cartilage. Cartilage, in contrast, takes longer to heal and can be more temperamental during the healing process. Earlobe piercings typically require about six to eight weeks for healing, unlike cartilage piercings, which can take several months. Even though some may not typically classify earlobe piercings as “body piercings,” they should unquestionably be treated as such. It’s crucial to steer clear of any place that recommends using a piercing gun for earlobes or any other body area.

Septum Piercing -Easy

The septum piercing is another piercing suitable for beginners or those seeking a smoother healing process. This piercing is located at the very middle of the front of the nose. When performed accurately, it should pass through a region known as the “sweet spot,” which consists of soft and pliable alar cartilage. Because it doesn’t typically involve the more complex cartilage found in other piercings, the septum piercing tends to heal relatively quickly. Moreover, its placement on the face reduces the likelihood of irritation from factors like sleeping position or unintentional contact with hair or clothing.

 Industrial Piercing-Difficult

 When discussing piercings that present significant healing challenges, starting with industrial piercing is essential. This piercing involves a pair of helix piercings linked by a single barbell, making it a formidable challenge for several reasons. To begin with, you’re essentially working on the healing process of two piercings at the same time. What complicates matters further is that they are interconnected, so if one end gets caught or experiences trouble, it can also affect the other end. Additionally, because it’s a cartilage piercing located in the ear, it tends to heal slowly, often taking six to nine months. Furthermore, the success of this piercing is highly dependent on individual anatomy, and if it’s performed on unsuitable anatomy, it may never heal properly. Industrial piercing is infamous for developing irritation bumps during the healing process, often requiring extra-special care and attention.

Snug Piercing -Very Difficult  Arguably, the most formidable piercing challenge also hinges significantly on individual anatomy. The snug piercing is renowned for its arduous healing process and necessitates a particular ear type to establish itself as a viable piercing. Positioned on the vertical ridge of cartilage just above the anti-tragus of the ear, the snug piercing is executed horizontally, requiring that the cartilage in this area be prominent enough to accommodate the piercing. Because the entire piercing traverses the sturdy cartilage, it’s a slower and more temperamental process, often taking up to a year to achieve complete healing. Furthermore, being located on the ear, it’s more susceptible to the potential irritations that can afflict other ear cartilage piercings, such as being accidentally pressed upon during sleep


Whether you’re an experienced piercing enthusiast or feeling a bit apprehensive as a newcomer, it’s important to understand that the world of piercings offers diverse healing times and potential complications. Certain piercings are less challenging during the healing process, while the healing duration can vary significantly from one piercing to another. Whether you’re seeking a piercing with a quicker healing time or prepared for a lengthier journey, there’s a piercing that can cater to your preferences. Much like people, piercings come in all shapes and sizes, and we appreciate the uniqueness of each one. So, happy piercing!